Ehime SGG Club Web
Available services
- Languages
- English
- Chinese (only Matsuyama Chapter)
- Korean (only Matsuyama Chapter)
- Spanish (only Matsuyama Chapter)
- Services
- Tour guiding for main sightseeing spots at each area.
- Interpretation for meetings, conferences, and sports events.
- Translation of various documents and website pages.
- Fees
- Tour guiding is free of charge.
- Clients are, however, required to bear the cost of entrance fees in sightseeing spots, transportation fees and meal expense of the guide during the tour. The transportation fees include the fee for the guide to come to the meeting place.
- The fees for interpretation and translation will be charged, depending on its content.
If you need tour guidance or interpretation
Please email us ( the following items.
- Indispensable item
- Name, nationality, email address and phone or fax number of the requester and the tourist
- Date of tour or interpretation
- Places to visit ( In case of interpretation, the name of events and contents of request. )
- Language
- Age range and number of tourist
- Others
- Hotels of the tourists and the phone number
- Transportation to the sites you visit
- The meeting place, time and date.
- Other requests
- Request for Voluntary Sightseeing Guide Service (MS Word)
- Please fill it in and attach it to the email.
- English
- Español
Please contact us at least two days ahead.